
articles, thesis, reports

Please note: this list details my recent writing. For older work please see my Google Scholar and Amazon Author pages, and the Archive section on this site.


Howe D, Duffy S, O’Shea M, Hawkey A, Wardle J, Gerontakos S, Steele L, Gilbert E, Owen L, Ciccia D, et al. (2023). Policies, guidelines, and practices supporting women’s menstruation, menstrual disorders and menopause at work: A critical global scoping review. Healthcare, 11(22):2945.

Bildhauer, B. & Owen, L. (2023). Menstrual stigma rearticulated as environmental pollution in contemporary Scottish policy-making. Women’s Reproductive Health, 10:2, 167-184.

Owen, L. (2022). Stigma, sustainability, and capitals: A case study on the menstrual cupGender, Work and Organization, 29(4), 10951112. (Paywall). [This link will take you to a free pre-publication version on Researchgate.]

Owen, L. (2022). Researching the researchers: The impact of menstrual stigma on the study of menstruation. In Bildhauer, B., Rostvik, C. M., & Vostral, S. (Eds), The politics and history of menstruation: Contextualising the Scottish campaign to End Period Poverty. Open Library of the Humanities, 8(1). 

Owen, L. & Chambers, K. (2021). Tackling single-use and social stigma in period management. Circular: For Resource & Waste Professionals.

Owen, L. (2019). Does anyone have a pad?: TV is finally dismantling the period taboo.  First published in The Conversation.

Owen, L. (2018). Menstruation and humanistic management at work: The development and implementation of a menstrual workplace policy. Journal of the Association for Management Education & Development, 25(4), 23-31.


Owen, L. (2020). Innovations in menstrual organisation: Redistributing boundaries, capitals, and labour. Monash University. PhD thesis. DOI:


Owen, L. & MacKenzie, G. (2021). Menstruation, stigma and sustainability. In S. Bennison, S. & Pels Ferra, L. (Eds.), The Sustainability Series, vol. 1. St Andrews Network for Climate, Energy, Environment and Sustainability (STACEES), University of St Andrews.

Rostvik, C. M., Bildhauer, B. M. E., Hughes, B., & Owen, L. (2019). Introducing: the Menstruation Research Network. The Polyphony.