Enrol now & pay by instalments


The fee for Contemporary Menstrual Studies with Dr Lara Owen (Year Two) is £2,340.

Please use the form below to pay in ten instalments of £234. Joining the course commits you to making all payments. The first payment will be charged to your card immediately and the rest at one monthly intervals.

The course web pages will open on March 16, 2025 and the first seminar will be a week later.

You will have access to the course material until March 1, 2026.

Course Terms of Service

1) You agree to pay the full membership fee in ten instalments, one paid at the time of enrolment and the rest at monthly intervals by automatic billing of your credit card. No refunds can be given for online course purchases.

2) You understand that the course fee is per person, for your sole use

3) All Contemporary Menstrual Studies content is copyrighted. It may not be quoted or redistributed in any way without written permission to do so from Dr Lara Owen, author of the course.

4) You understand that the Contemporary Menstrual Studies website might periodically be limited, modified or suspended due to forces outside our control, and that no financial compensation will be payable to you should this happen.

5) You understand that the downloading and use of Contemporary Menstrual Studies materials and content is undertaken at your own discretion and risk, and that Dr Lara Owen is not responsible for any results or for any claims including, without limitation, any damage to your computer system that results from downloading content from

6) You understand that the Contemporary Menstrual Studies membership community on WhatsApp is a social network in which personal information may be exchanged between participants. You are entirely responsible for deciding how much of your personal information you wish to share in the community. Dr Lara Owen will not share, sell, or rent the personal information of the course students to third-party businesses. However, we cannot guarantee the confidentiality of any of the information you choose to share on the platform. By taking part in this community, you agree to keep other members’ information confidential.

7) You understand that certification at the end of the course is dependent on successful completion of all assignments and will be given at Dr Lara Owen’s discretion.